Today we are excited to announce our newest addition to Towbook; we call it Intercom.
Intercom is the most efficient way for our team to answer your questions and give you support around the clock. All inbound customer requests arrive in a unified team inbox along with your account information, browser data, and platform and mobile device information so that we can provide timely and accurate response. It also allow us to track next level statistics and response times so we can continue to make Towbook the most efficient application that it can be.
How do you use Intercom?
You may have already without knowing it! We have added a small circular icon in the bottom right corner of the web application (viewable when logged in) that allows you to quickly send support requests and feedback. In the near future, you will also be seeing these added to the iPhone and Android applications.
However, should you not be logged in or using the app; any support request or email sent to will automatically be added to Intercom as well. If sent with an email address linked to your account, it will also contain a history of your requests and information.
We are excited.
We believe this is going to help our support team reach the next level, and since we believe supporting your business is crucial to our success; it makes us really excited.
As always if you have urgent requests or need someone on the phone right away feel free to call us at (810) 320-5063. We look forward to seeing you on Intercom!